POST Arnhem

Workshop Moral Injury
TRAINING: The role of spiritual care in experiences of moral injury
Monday 7th of April
13.00 - 17.00
Weverstraat 40, Arnhem
Language: Dutch
Sign up here
On Monday 7 April, curator Laura Mudde and assistant professor Carmen Schuhmann will present a training session on the role of spiritual care in experiences of moral injury. This session grew out of the Expertise centre on meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy.
This training is designed for mental health professionals who (may) in their practice deal with people who experience moral injury, both through their own actions and the actions of others. Moral injury is a term to interpret feelings of guilt, shame or betrayal that people can develop when their moral expectations and beliefs are violated by their own or others' actions. These are experiences that deal with a profound struggle with moral questions, loss of confidence in the goodness of themselves and the world, and moreover, people often have no way of addressing these struggles. Given the moral and existential dimensions of moral injury, the spiritual carer can play a role in providing support in these experiences.
The exhibition forms the starting point of the workshop and also offers cues for reflection, as the art also reveals the affective dimensions of moral injury. During the training you will learn to identify and interpret experiences of moral injury, increase your own repertoire of conduct and there is room for exchanging experiences with colleagues.
Carmen Schuhmann (1970, NL)
After working for several years as a humanistic spiritual carer at the department of justice, Carmen Schuhmann joined the University of Humanistic Studies as assistant professor in 2008. Her current research focuses on issues of meaning, existential and moral resilience, and spiritual care.
Laura Mudde (1985, NL)
Laura Mudde is a PhD student at the University of Humanistic Studies and curator of the Bearing Witness exhibition. Her PhD research focuses on moral learning and one of the sub-studies specifically explores the role of spiritual care in counselling veterans affected by moral injury.