POST Nijmegen

Marije Gertenbach & Josse Pyl
Symbiosis Series provides two artists with space, resources and support to experiment and create new work. Participating artists are encouraged to interact with one another in various ways, similar to the natural process of symbiosis. During this interaction exchange and collaboration are possible, while (re)shaping the individual practice. Sometimes the selected artists’ work differ in medium or conceptual positions, resulting in an exhibition based on a visual dialogue. Other times their practices are more aligned, making the exhibition itself a single entity.
The artists are free to experiment, explore and break up their modus operandi. It is a collaborative process where artists previously unknown to each other exchange visions, working methods and vim and vigor. The exhibitions in this series often lead to lively, wild, large-scale elaborations sparkling with energy.
The second edition takes place in Nijmegen with Marije Gertenbach and Josse Pyl, from the 18th of September until the 24th of October 2021.